Turbo-Chart vs Tilos
for Training or Tutorials
Comparing Turbo-Chart and Tilos Training

Designed to produce Time Location Chart
- Importing or synchronising data from your preferred scheduling tool (a simple series of clicks)
- Preparing the charts to present the imported data
Tilos Training
- Tilos Templates
- Relationships between scheduled tasks
- Linear Profiles
- Creating and modifying objects, layers and filters
- Task Calendars
- Creating Gantt Charts
- Project Costs and Resources
Turbo-Chart Learning:
- Setting up your Schedule Data
- Importing into a Turbo-Chart dataset
- Creating a shape library
- Configuring the chart
- Page and Print Layouts
Up to a whole day of training may be required simply to understand how to exchange data between popular scheduling tools like Primavera P6, MS Project into Tilos. Furthermore, training in Tilos also covers how to exchange data from Tilos *to* your scheduling tool.
Turbo-Chart training, requires significantly less detail, due to Turbo-Chart’s simplicity in importing data, and ease of use in generating time location charts.
Differences between Tilos and Turbo-Chart tutorials
Depth of Knowledge
Due to the complexity in using Tilos, online tutorials are unlikely to offer the depth of knowledge and experience required to learn how to be proficient in using Tilos.
Face to Face Tutorials
Tilos training requires several days of guided effort, to complete such training online, is likely to require even more time. As a result, the primary option is to receive expert guided face to face tutorials, where trainees can also receive feedback on their progress in learning all the features of Tilos.
Online Tutorials
Online tutorials are the ideal method for learning how to use Turbo-Chart, and as training is a significantly less effortful exercise, anyone interested in learning Turbo-Chart need only spend minimal time watching online tutorials to understand the basics and advanced features of Turbo-Chart.

Tilos and Turbo-Chart Software for Tutorial Purposes
When learning about a software tool, being able to trial use it improves the time required to learn. Nothing beats practical hands-on experience. With Turbo-Chart downloading a trial to try it out for yourself is straightforward – click through to the download site, install the trial, activate using a valid email address and you have a fully functioning trial to use. And of course, extending a trial if you require a little more time is simply a matter of dropping our support team an email requesting such.
We are unable to find a similar trial option for Tilos, with forms to be completed to initiate contact before even being given a trial version of Tilos.